CALL (916) 572-5516

We Employ A Natural Approach

Environment Friendly Services

We are experts at preventive pest management which allows us to intelligently keep pests away while using the minimum amount of pesticides.

Home Pest Prevention


We keep the bugs out so you can rest easy. Protect your home and family from harmful pests with our comprehensive household pest control.

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Commercial Pest Control


Our licensed technicians service more than just your home. We treat schools, parks, apartments, offices, warehouses, restaurants, and government buildings too.

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Exclusion and Removal


No pest is too big or small for us to handle. During our free inspection we will find how they are getting in, then remove them, and make sure they never come back again!

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    Toll Free: (916) 572-5516

    No pest problem is too big or small. We are Sacramento’s local pest professionals and we’re here to help! Just give us a call and we will schedule a FREE PEST INSPECTION right away.

    Schedule a free inspection to create a custom pest control plan for your home our business today.


    Comprehensive Pest Control

    Professional Results

    Protection from Rodents

    Rodents damage your home by ripping up insulation or chewing through vents and wires creating unseen dangers within your walls. They carry disease and cause contamination with their droppings.

    Bedbugs & Fleas

    Bedbugs and fleas feed off the blood of people and animals. They carry and spread disease while leaving itchy bites on your body. Left untreated a small outbreak can quickly spread into a full infestation.

    Household Pests

    Our comprehensive treatment covers all household pests including spiders,  beetles, centipedes, wasps, cockroaches, and ants. So your home can be safe from unwanted intruders inside and out.

    Complete Pest Prevention

    Inside & Out

    Targeted Treatment

    • Remove spiders & wasps
    • Treat lawn for fleas
    •  De-web eves and yard
    • Protect kitchen and bathroom
    • Repel unwanted insects
    • Crack and crevasse spray

    Pesticide Sprays

    Control Methods

    • Identify points of entry
    • Prevention through exclusion
    • Reduce local attraction
    • Remove rodent population
    • Snap Traps
    • Rodenticides

    Rodents Breed Quickly

    Prevention & Removal

    • Complete kitchen treatment
    • Whole home coverage
    • Exterminate inside & out
    • Locate source of infestation
    • Cleanup and removal
    • Baits and sprays

    Cockroach Removal

    Residential & Commercial

    Our Coverage is All Inclusive!

    Pest Problem?

    Call the Pest Pros
    1 Biological Pest Removal
    2 Chemical Pest Control
    3 Rodent Pest Control Methods
    4 Bird Pest Control Methods
    5 Additional Pest Control